The course focuses on a range of human experiences: how people have lived in the past, how they live and coexist in the present, and the links between the two. An examination of a variety of original sources: newspapers, letters and diaries, literature, government records, images, films, oral interviews, field notes and archival materials; processes of collecting, interpreting, and communicating information and the provision of a broad perspective on the contemporary world and the events that shape it. The course entails a discovery of why and how our world emerged. It offers the student an opportunity to investigate local, regional and global issues and to question some of the myths, preconceptions and prejudices that surround the subject.
History as an academic discipline in Nigerian Universities is designed to serve as a guide, collective memory and conscience of Nigerian, African and other global societies. It focuses on developing the capacity of students to seek for, and identify diverse socital and institutional memories in the political, social, cultural and economic, religious and inter-group histories, and how they have forged and shaped aspects of present conditions and realities. The programme trains students to become aware of the different historical methodologies and builds their ability to reconstruct historical events by utilizing evidence-based source materials that they read and analyse.
The objectives of the History programme are to:
1. educate students on historical movements of national and global significance in other to promote world peace;
2. make students comprehend the historical forces and developments which have shaped and are still shaping the lives of the peoples of Nigeria, Africa and the world;
3. advocate for the crucial role of historical thinking in public life, and;
4. provide students with advantages usually associated with historical training critical and analytical faculty and balanced judgment needed mainly in administrative and managerial responsibilities.
Employability Skills
Based on the type of training received, a graduate of the programme would possess the following employability skills:
Communication and Collaboration; Analysis/Solution Mindset; Numeracy and Digital Fluency; Resilience and Adaptability; Entrepreneurial Mindset; Social/Diversity Awareness and Self-Awareness and Empathy. With these they can find employment in a plethora of sectors and industries; such as Education (primary, secondary and tertiary levels), general consulting services, heritage studies, events and programme management (anniversary services), consultants to movie and documentary producers, security services, DNA Services, and publishing and editing,