

Kofar Kabuga - Kofar Ruwa Road, PMB 3099, Kano State, Nigeria.

"To be a world class citadel of learning that provides practical education directed towards the training of highly knowledgeable, skilled and disciplined citizens." Our Vision

"Provide educational training, research and community service for development taking cognizance of the cultural heritage of the host community." Our Mission

"Promote and enhance the country's-old prominence of the North-West as both cynosure and pacesetter in the fields of learning and scholarship not only in the West Africa, but throughout the continent and beyond." Our Philosophy

New Students & Returning Students Logins

For New Student's Account

For newly admitted students, create your new account here...

New Students
Returning Student's Account

For Returning Students, you can login to your account here...

Returning Students


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